Monday, October 13, 2008

iPhone Birthday Cake

Here is a cake we made for my nephew's 16th birthday! He loves Apple products and very much wants an iPhone, so i thought what better cake design to make him! We were a bit worried on making the black fondant but it actually was really easy and didn't take too much colouring to make it! We added some of the black icing colour right as we made the fondant and mixed it in, i think this helped getting the real dark black that we wanted. Once the fondant was made, we also added some brown and some blue to get a real darkness. It turned out perfect! The cake is just a golden cake with a butter cream icing all around it, we didn't make this cake into layers because it was such a thin cake we didn't think there was a need for it. The finished product turned out really well! The iPhone cake was a success!!

Happy Birthday Mom!

On October 1st it was my mom's birthday!! So of course we made her a cake!! Funny story about this cake is that this is only the half of it! Its a butter pecan cake with a cream cheese icing in between layers. We then blended some green fondant to make it look like a marble pattern, and all the other details are fondant as well. The cake originally had a different vision but the outcome was still very pretty!

On Your Mark...Get Set...GO!!!

Here is a cake we designed for a birthday! We made a Nascar Cake! We layered some cakes together, with a butter cream in between. Then we carved the car shape with a knife. To make it easier to cover, we decided to cover the cake in "panels" like a real car is put together, this way we could get a better fit with the cake. If we had more time, we would have made the wheels more detailed and out of fondant, but we didn't so we decided to icing the wheels on instead.

(no there isn't a mistake, i just haven't gotten the photos yet of it loaded off the camera, pics will be here soon...)